Saturday, March 11, 2006

Frost Top Drive-in
Do you remember the Frost Top In Mount Pleasant. Coming home from work last week on highway 37, I was listening to an oldies radio station. Right before County Line Road, they started playing "House of the Rising Sun". I had to turn at County Line and cut through were the Frost Top use to be, though the Mount Pleasant Addition and onto Morgantown Road. That was the main song at the Frost Top one summer. I went down to apply for the job, and backed into the owner's car, very little damage.( Remember that Greybeard ) He felt sorry for me and gave me the job. I worked there for two or three years. This was my American Graffiti. The ironic thing is that just three weeks ago the Johnson County Sheriff Department busted a massage parlor in one of the small shops where the Frost Top used to be, for prostitution. They had their own House of the Rising Sun in Mount Pleasant.
If I remember right, help me on this Greybreard, just south of the Frost Top on old 37, there were Burma Shave signs.
I wonder what kind of stories our kids will be writing 40 years after the fact ?

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